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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Dear Avery, 4 Months

Dear Avery,
You are four months old! Every day is a new and exciting day with you. I am really starting to see your personality more and more. I have seen you smile more this month then ever before. You are cooing and "talking" to me as well.
I love that I can now put you in the jumper for a short period of time each day and you actually play with the toys on it! You are even beginning to jump a little! I almost cried (ok maybe I did cry) when I saw you start to really push off your feet in that jumper for the first time the other night. What was really cool was that I was skyping with your Daddy and he got to see it too! With him being gone I thought he would miss every one of those "firsts" so it made me really happy we could all experience that together. You were so proud of yourself!
This month you started to eat a little real food. You have tried sweet potatoes and bananas. We decided to skip rice cereal and go straight for the healthy stuff. You like to shove the spoon in your mouth which is really cute.
You are also really discovering EVERYTHING now. You reach for objects and everything goes right into your mouth.  Your favorite toy is Sophie the Giraffe. You also love music and watching the glow worm play songs and light up when I change you. You even figured out how to pull down your toy to play music. You are so smart, and SO strong!
 I carry you around in the baby carrier and you love exploring. You especially like watching Bailey play fetch outside. This was even one of the very first times I started to hear a little giggle from you was watching Bailey play. You love to be outside!
 I have two favorites from this month. The first is the fact that you actually turn to look at people now. I will be holding you and you literally turn and stare right at me and smile. This has been so neat to see you do. I really feel like you understand what is going on sometimes.
My other favorite moment happened when your Daddy called us on Skype the other day. I was holding you in my arms and as soon as I maximized the screen you lit up with this HUGE smile.  You recognized your Daddy.  This made me overjoyed. My heart melted right then and there.

You are getting bigger and stronger every day. I love watching every new thing you learn.
Love always,


Saturday, April 14, 2012

You Know You Have A Baby When...

Things I have found after having a little one...

1. You have mastered eating with one hand.
2. You have formula/baby food/breast milk on your clothes on a regular basis.
3. You don't really care about the formula/baby food/breast milk on your clothes.
4. You may or may not have used the bathroom with a baby on your lap.
5. A shower becomes an anticipated break
6. You would rather use baby's nap time to sleep instead of eat.
7. You have accidentally used baby talk to people who aren't babies.
8. The car seat with baby inside has become attached to your arm. When you go out without that bulky thing you feel like you are forgetting something.
9. People want to talk to you about how cute your baby is, which can make errands take forever
10. Pj's get worn wayyy longer than ever before. 
11. There are more baby clothes than clothes for you. You would rather buy a cute baby outfit then a cute outfit for yourself. How did this happen?!!?
12. Baby gear is slowly taking over your house.
13. Coffee is a must have, Coffee becomes breakfast.
14. You discuss baby poop. It becomes a normal part of conversation.
15. You have used your nice J Crew shirt to wipe baby drool.
16. You've made impressive wagers with your husband on whose turn it is to get the baby.
17. You get sucked into baby gadgets you will never use.
18. You realize you MUST avoid Target.
19. It takes an hour to leave the house.
20. You wouldn't trade any of these things for anything in the world.
