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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dear Avery, 5 Months

Dear Avery,
   On May 30th you turned 5 months old! It feels like just the other day you were born. Time is going fast.
   This month has not been short of changes. I am starting to see your personality come out more and more every day. When you wake up in the morning and I peak over at you, you have the BIGGEST smile on your face. It is so cute!
   Well our cute little girl used to only take naps in her swing. Until recently. A few weeks ago, you just decided you didn't want that swing anymore. You cried and cried when we put you in like usual, and overnight you decided you hated that swing. Not since that day have I successfully been able to get you in there! You are beginning to nap in your crib finally now. Hopefully we can transition you in there for all your sleeping soon, but for now you won't give up that rock and play without a fight. ;)
   Also this month you continue to show us how strong you are. You are kicking your legs like crazy and just beginning to actually jump in your jumper. You love to stand up on your feet too when we hold your arms. You are very grabby, and anything we are holding you think should be yours. You especially like to grab for plastic water bottles and paper towels.
    Some exciting news to share is that you are beginning to sit up already! I can let you sit up by yourself for a few seconds before you begin wobbling all over the place. You love to be involved in everything going on. In fact, you are the happiest when you are sitting with Grandpa, Grandma or I.
   Another big moment this month was your big debut in your big girl high chair! It attaches right on the counter top island at home. It is nice because you get to be a part of dinnertime. It also rotates so I can turn you every which way. You are still a little small for it, but you love sitting there with us while we eat and talk. You love to bang your toys around and have started the ever so fun game called drop your toys on the ground and watch everyone pick them up.
   You are beginning to eat solid foods more and more. Usually you eat a little bit every day. You have tried and loved sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, pears, apples and bananas. You have tried and disliked peas. But I think you will come around.
   You just starting wearing your six month clothes, so the trend seems to be you wear clothes a month before. You started wearing three month clothes at two months and now six month clothes at five. We will see if this continues or if you have a major growth spurt!
   All I know is that no matter how hard the days can be, I thank God everyday for entrusting us with protecting and caring for your little life. Like I always tell you, you are the smartest and most beautiful little girl in the world.

I love you so, so much.

P.S. Your Daddy should be home the month after next!!!!
