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Monday, July 9, 2012

Dear Avery, 6 Months

Dear Avery,
On June 30, you turned a half of a year old!  If time goes by this fast, you are going to be so big in no time. At your six month check up you weighed in at 15 lbs 4 oz and measured 25 inches long. You were in low percentiles in weight and height, but the doctor says you are SO healthy and just petite.

I know I have said you were strong since the beginning, but I can't believe your strength sometimes. You are now sitting up without any support. And you LOVE to sit. Gone are the days when you would play nicely on your back and look at your toys. You want to be upright all the time. You also love to be pulled up by your arms and stand on your feet. You even try to pull yourself up from sitting on the couch. The other day when we went out to eat, you were sitting so nicely in the booth next to me. The next thing I knew, you were using the table for support to stand up by yourself! I think you may possibly walk before you crawl.

Over this past month you have started blowing bubbles and grabbing your feet and putting them in your month. You can roll in both directions. One of the biggest accomplishments was that you started sleeping in your crib right around the time you turned six months. Your sleeping is still not perfect, but it is getting better. You wake up a few times in the night to eat still. We are working on it and I know you will stop when you are ready. This makes me so happy that we are making progress with your sleeping. You also take 2-3 naps each day. You love to cat nap!

We brought up your pack and play and you love to play with your toys in there. You also love to sit in your high chair and watch everyone do things around you. You are eating two meals a day. Usually fruit in the morning and veggies for dinner. You still hate rice cereal but we'll see if that changes. You love when Grandma sings "Little Bunny Fufu" to you. You love when anyone sings to you for that matter! You also went in your first big girl swing this past month at Davis Park.

This past month you have become weary of people you don't know. You love to be with Grandma and Grandpa, but if other people try to hold you sometimes you get scared, stick your lip out and cry.  We need to work on this lip thing or I can already hear your Daddy telling me that I taught you that.

My favorite thing about this month is you starting giggling. When I say "mamamama" to you or do an exaggerated laugh I can usually get you to laugh too. It is adorable to hear you laugh and talk. You love to talk to your "sister" Bailey!

I am SO happy to tell you that in about a month your Daddy will be home to be with us. I can't wait until he can experience all of the things I tell him about you doing. He loves hearing what new things you are accomplishing and he always tells me how cute you are. I can tell he is so proud of you! I can't wait until we can all go do family things together. And I think he has lots of Daddy/Daughter time coming...:)
I love you so, so much my sweet girl.
 Hanging our with your bff!
