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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Dear Avery, 7 Months

Dear Avery,
      On July 30th you turned 7 months old. It is crazy to think that you are now closer to your first birthday then you are to when you were born. This post is going to be short and sweet since I was a little late on getting it done.

     As you finished up your sixth month,  you weigh 16.8 lbs according to Grandma's bathroom scale. You have really been showing your strength this month, too. You are sitting up really well, and we even tried a restaurant high chair for the first time. You can also pull yourself up to your feet if you are leaning on something strong. You also have started scooting around on your bottom. You even crawl backwards a little before you tumble over. I think by next month you will be crawling all over the place. You are already almost there! You also enjoy eating anything out of a pouch. Your favorite flavor is Plum Organic's blueberries, pears and purple carrots. YUM!

  Oh and big news coming up.... right after I wrote your six month post, you started sleeping in your actual crib! Before this you would only sleep on an incline.Yay for you :)

     Your Daddy will be here by the time I write your month 8 letter. I am so excited for us all to do fun things together like go to the zoo and to the park. But I am more excited for the normal day to day things like bedtime stories together and eating dinner as a family. He is going to be blown away when he sees how big you are. I can't wait to watch him see all the things I have seen these past 7 months. You are a strong and beautiful little girl and I love you more than anything!

