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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Dear Avery, Months 11 and 12

Dear Avery,
This has been an exciting time in your life! You starting walking two weeks after I wrote your October blog post, so that puts you a walker at about 10.5 months. We were sitting in the family room and I was talking on the phone with one of your great grandparents. All of a sudden, you just starting taking steps! Over the next few weeks, you really got more and more confident in your skills. Over time, you were taking bigger and bigger steps and even beginning to even run! I remember seeing you for the first time in the neighbor's yard across the street. You were playing in the grass with them, running around and I just couldn't believe you were growing up so fast. I remember thinking, is this my BABY "playing" with these kids? I remember you even tumbled down the little ditch, got right back up and kept on running!
In month 11 you had your first Thanksgiving. Our friends across the street came over and we had a big meal and you got to have a fun day of playing. It is great to have people around in the same boat as you that you spend holidays away from home with. It makes the holiday far less lonely.
As you neared your first birthday, you became a very confident walker/runner! You began walking backwards and you were so sly about it. You also loved running up and down our little hallway in our ranch house and chasing Bailey around.
During your first Christmas season, we went to a real tree farm to pick out your first real Christmas tree. Day after day, we had to move the ornaments from the bottom of the tree because they were bright and shiny toys to you! Our tree looked silly but it was still special. We also visited many Santa Clauses, and you cried at each one. You even got to meet Gunny Claus, the military Santa at your Daddy's work Christmas party.
We traveled home to NY for your very first Christmas and for your first birthday party. I always tease that you are one of the oldest babies to have a first birthday since you were born only a few days after Christmas last year. You had your first plane ride on this trip, and overall did much better then I anticipated you would.
You didn't quite understand the concept of staying still on Mama's lap, but you were now a mobile one year old! Trying to run down the airplane aisle seemed way more thrilling then being held down on our laps. Your Daddy and I were laughing a lot because you kept pointing at the people around us on the plane. After you pointed they would try to high five you or say hi, and you would bury your head in our shirt. Then you would do it all over again!
In New York we got to celebrate Christmas Day with all our extended family. They loved seeing you dressed up in your black and white sparkly Christmas dress. You had so, so, so many presents. You are one lucky, loved and blessed little girl to have so many people that love you like they do. When we were opening presents you loved the paper and boxes. You also loved a tiny little light up spinning penguin Grandma put in your stocking. Then we lost your attention on all the other presents! It was fun watching you amidst all of the chaos.
Your new year's was pretty quiet. Last year we spent it in the hospital, and this year you were fast asleep long before the ball descended. We spent the evening with your Uncle Kevy eating appetizers and watching movies.
Your very first birthday party was also on this trip. This is just one of many huge milestones in your life, and made me realize how far you have come. We celebrated at Romeo's Restaurant. Your Grandma was a great help decorating everything in a red and turquoise penguin theme. It ended up being so cute, and perfect for you. Every single person that showed up to that party means a lot to our family. Again, you are so lucky to have each and every person care about you! Also, we had friends from afar send you beautiful cards and gifts that couldn't make it that day. I save all of those cards for you, and when you are old enough you will have them all bound together as a testament to all the love and support of those closest to you. I never want you to question the amount of people that care about you in this world!

You are a very special little girl and we feel so lucky to be your parents. We love you to the stars and back, and can't wait to see what next year has in store for us.
11 Month Picture
Christmas Dress in NY
Tree in NC

Snow in NY
 First Birthday Party
I'm ONE!