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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Dear Avery, 10 Months

Dear Avery,
You have hit double digit months! You have been settling well back into life in North Carolina. We have met some really nice new people and you are loving all the playdates you are getting!

This past month you got two teeth, almost at the same time! I thought at this rate you would never get them, but finally they showed up. You look so cute with your new teeth, but waking up three times a night again is not so cute. Daddy says you look like a reverse bunny rabbit.

You are getting more and more confident with your standing every day. You stand for many seconds at a time and have even taken a few tiny stutter steps if Daddy or I coerce you. I hold my breath every time I see you take one of these little steps just waiting for you to take off. In my head I say you aren't walking until you do two steps in a row without falling, so as of now I have only seen one! (This may just help me feel better. My little baby is getting so big!)

You are doing a lot of screaming and babbling.You like to mimic Daddy & if he makes a lot of loud babbling noise; you do it right back. You also play your little piano together. Father/daughter band coming in the future? ;-)

This month we went to Mike's Farm to your first pumpkin patch. You had fun swinging all the pumpkins around and eating them. Also around your ten month birthday (well a day after) was your first Halloween! We went to a fun Halloween playgroup in the morning and you got to wear your costume. Then we had lunch with a friend, and lastly went to a little pre-party across the street which ended with Trick or Treating around the neighborhood.  More like Daddy bringing you up to the door and saying Trick or Treat, while Mommy stayed at the end of the driveway a tad bit embarassed at his enthusiasm, haha. It was a fun and busy day!

We also left you with your first babysitter's here in NC so Mommy and Daddy could go to a Chinese Auction at Daddy's work. Vicky and Aaron did awesome and we love them so much for taking such good care of you!

 Standing for longer periods of time.
Happy First Halloween to the cutest little elephant around..


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