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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Dear Avery, 19 Months

Dear Avery,
So your Mama has been slacking a little on your blog post updates! (Ok, ok, 7 months of slacking..but who's counting, right?) I guess that is what happens when you have an active toddler in the house....and you are definitely that. So right now at 19 months, without further ado....

You are running everywhere. You love to follow sidewalks, hold hands and walk whenever you can.
You have been taking a parent and tot gymnastics class the last month. The first class we went to, you cried and buried your head in my shoulder. I thought maybe we shouldn't go back.  I am glad we stuck with it because now, when we walk into the gym, you let go of my hand and run right in! You are becoming more confident and independent every day.  At gymnastics you have been walking on balance beams, climbing on mats, doing forward rolls, running down the tumble track and learning to jump with two feet.

Big changes:
So at the beginning of June, we moved into a new house. It s only thirty minutes away, but I was worried how you would take the change. But luckily, you were barely phased. I really think you like the new freedom you have in your new house, and how you have more room to play. You now have a playroom! You also have a fenced in yard. In our old house, I had to chase you all over the yard. In our new house, you can walk out the back into the yard to play with your toys. Its nice that I can see you playing right from the kitchen. I don't feel like I have to be trailing you so much anymore, you have a safe place to explore and learn.
You LOVE to say the words you know. These words include Mama, Dada, dog, ball, Nana, Papa, chicky, car and duck. We are still waiting for that huge "word explosion" with you that everyone talks about with toddlers. It is crazy how much you understand though. Whether we ask to to throw something away, give the ball to Bailey, go let the dog inside, put your blocks away, you do it! I feel like once you start talking, you're not going to stop. You are very curious and love exploring, so I am sure this will reflect in all your questions!

Some Favorites:
Kisses. Some of your favorite things now include giving kisses. You kiss EVERYONE! Kids on the playground, your family, Nana and Papa through're a lover!

Stacking blocks. I am amazed at how well you do this. If you see a block is off balance, you readjust it. Sometimes I think you could stack better block towers then I could.

The playground. We have a little playground on our street a few houses down. You know its there. You try to go there any time we are out front. You love to slide down the slide and are climbing the structure all by yourself! You're getting so big I can't even stand it.
Water. You love baths, pools, beaches. Sinks. If it has water, you love it. You are so fun to watch at the beach. It's like the ocean is a magnet, and you want to be in it the whole time when we go. You're so cute out there splashing around.

Bailey. She is your ultimate BFF. You guys play together. You ride her like a horse. You sneak her people food. You hand feed her dog food. She follows you up for your nap. You say DOG first thing when you wake up. You also even try to imitate us by taking plastic bags out to the yard to pick up doggy poop.That is some serious love right there.

Books. You LOVE sitting on our laps reading. Especially at night before bed.

Animals. Although you call everything dog and duck right now, you LOVE seeing animals. Whether its a caterpillar outside or the dog down the street, you can't get enough.

Being Silly. You love to make funny faces, esp. your famous CHEESE face where you close your eyes and smile really big. You love making people laugh, and you love the attention!! (You get it from Dada...hehe)

Chocolate...need I say more? You are also loving figs, cheese, whole apples, mandarin oranges, salt and vinegar kettle chips, blueberries, chicken nuggets, wheat crackers, eggs with cheese, and pancakes. ICE!

I can't wait to see what is next. Each stage of your life is cuter than the last.

Love you!


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