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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dear Avery, 3 Months

Dear Avery,
   Happy 3 months to my beautiful little girl! Every day that goes by I am noticing new and wonderful things about you. Right now you are about 12 pounds, and 23 inches long. You are wearing three month clothes perfectly. It has been fun because I have been able to dress you up in cute little summer outfits, since Rochester has had some really warm days this past week.
   At three months old you are almost a pro at holding your head up. I still can't get over how strong you are, and you loved to be pulled by your arms up to your feet. You smile so proudly when we do this with you! Everyone jokes and says you are going to walk before you crawl. Grandpa calls you superbaby.
   You also love to hold on to my fingers when I feed you a bottle. You have the funniest little expressions when you eat. Your hair is getting a little lighter, and I am starting to think you might end up with reddish brown hair. Every time we go out, people stop to smile at you and tell you how adorable you are. One waitress even said she felt like crying because of how beautiful you were. This is interesting to me because most people (who know him) also say you look like your Daddy. :o)
   You love to be up on your changing table and you smile like crazy when you're up there. You do NOT like to put your undershirts on though and you through a fit.
   I have noticed this month how intently you stare at everyone. You are noticing me and your Grandpa and Grandma. You will track objects with your eyes and love bright colorful toys, especially the Lamaze Mortimer the Moose toy. You also are batting and holding objects. It is really so amazing how everyday you are getting stronger and doing new things.
   Sometimes at night I wake up and you are sleeping so soundly and I think how lucky I am. I wish your Daddy could be here to see you do all these new things. I try to take a lot of pictures so he feels like he is right here with us. I know you miss him, and seeing you smile at him when you saw him on Skype melted my heart.
   I cannot wait to see what this next month has in store for you! I bet you'll be going crazy in your new jumper in no time.
I love you  so much!


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