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Thursday, November 10, 2011

30 Things to be Thankful for

Being the month of Thanksgiving, I would like to share something everyday that I am grateful for. It has been easy lately to get caught up in the negativity of things going on, so I think this is a good way to stay grounded.

Nov 1:  Today I am thankful for my health and the health of those close to me. It is amazing how easy it is to take this for granted.
Nov 2: Today I am thankful that Bailey threw up the end of the spatula she swallowed whole. I thought for sure she would need surgery so I am very relieved!
Nov 3: Today I am thankful that my husband is coming back safe from a month of training. They lost two marines out there training in CA, so I am grateful for his safety.
Nov. 4: Today I am thankful for Bailey. She is a great companion and I love her!
Nov. 5: Today I am thankful for the pre thanksgiving meal my Mom is making for us right now. Since we won't be able to come home this year for the first time, it was wonderful of her to do that. She makes the best thanksgiving side dishes!
Nov. 6: Today I am thankful for my parents and brother. Without their love and support, I don't know what I would do.
Nov. 7: Today I am thankful for all the gifts I received for the baby shower and the wonderful people who gave them. As we were loading them into the car to go back to NC, I felt very blessed.
Nov. 8: Today I am thankful for the little baby in my belly. Even though she exhausts me and moves like crazy, I am grateful she is active and healthy.
Nov. 9: Today I am thankful for a day of rest. Although not working is bittersweet,  I really needed a day to do nothing.
Nov 10: Today I am thankful for the Marine Corps on their birthday. I am grateful for my husband's job. Although it can cause a lot of stress and uncertainty, I know it is what he loves to do so I will support him the best I can.
Nov. 11: Today I am thankful for our Veterans. Especially my husband and both grandfathers. <3 Thank you for keeping us safe.
Nov. 12: Today I am thankful for my husband who shopped at Babies R Us with me and didn't complain (very much). There are so many little things to decide about!
Nov. 13: Today I am thankful for Mak painting the baby room. The room is coming together so nicely.
Nov. 14: Today I am thankful for the new pack and play we received from Mike. He is the best. (Usually)
Nov. 15: Today I am thankful for free classes on base. I learned a lot from the breastfeeding class and recommend it highly.
Nov. 16: Today I am thankful to finally find an inexpensive bookcase in this town. Thanks Target.
Nov. 17: Today I am thankful to those who sent a message whether on here or privately, or gave me a call today after reading my post about deployment. Your encouragement has made my day. And many of these extremely supportive messages have been from military wives I have never even met.  I am humbled by the support and sincerely appreciate each message. It means more to me than you could ever know.
Nov. 18: Today I am thankful for all my friends near and far. I love you guys.
Nov. 19: Today I am thankful for the night in Ocean City to get dressed up, celebrate the Marine Corps birthday, and be with Mak.
Nov. 20: Today I am thankful for relaxing time watching T.V.!
Nov. 21: Today I am thankful for friends to go Thanksgiving grocery shopping with.
Nov. 22: Today I am thankful for the energy to cook and clean the house.
Nov. 23: Today I am thankful we sold our elliptical.  
Nov. 24: Today I am thankful for good friends like Aaron and Vicky to celebrate Thanksgiving with us when we are far from home.
Nov .25: Today I am thankful that Mak has duty today, instead of on Thanksgiving.
Nov. 26: Today I am thankful for Christmas lights going up!
Nov. 27: Today I am thankful that I am not working. As I try to write the shopping list I realize how bad it hurts to write (thanks to pregnancy carpal tunnel, yeah who knew it even existed!)  and it would be really hard to be a teacher these days.
Nov. 28: Today I am thankful for an ultrasound that showed the baby is head down.
Nov. 29: Today I am thankful for a day of shopping and getting my car registration taken care of.
Nov. 30: Today I am thankful that tomorrow is December! So much to look forward to, Avery's due the 29th. :)


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