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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Avery has arrived!

Avery was born on December 30, 2011. She was born only one day past her Dec. 29 due date. Here is the lowdown on her birthday experience :)

 December 29th, 2011
11:00 am: I went in to the doctors for my 40 week checkup and I had been feeling nothing up to that point. I had a scheduled induction for January 5th, and was sure I would end up going that route. At my appointment, I was about 3 cm dilated. I had my doctor do a simple little office procedure (that I will spare you the details about) to try to get things moving along.
1:00 pm: Sushi for lunch from the commissary. Cooked sushi that is. :o)
10:00 pm: Happily enjoying Heroes on Netflix. No clue of what is to come.
11:00 pm: I started having some pain, but tried to ignore it. All of a sudden I was not ready to be in labor. But that doesn't matter because I quickly realized I was. Also, Mak is still trying to watch Heroes. I think he was in a little denial too.
 December 30, 2011
12:00 am: Mak turns off Heroes and is frantically writing down contractions. The contractions started off about 10 minutes apart and quickly progressed to 5 minutes apart. 5 minutes apart is when the doctors told us we could go to the hospital.
1:30 am: I begged Mak to take me to the hospital.
1:40 am: I am thinking... EPIDURAL... here I come! I cannot wait.
1:45 am: We got to the naval hospital and they told me they would not admit me until I was 4 cm dilated, and I was still 3. They told me I could "walk around the hospital for two hours" and come back. REALLY? I was having five minute apart contractions and you want me to leisurely stroll around the hospital waving to all the visitors mid contraction? RIGHT.  Luckily the hospital is right down the street from our house so we went home to wait it out.
2:00 am: I started having really severe back labor. I couldn't really get any relief and after about 2 and a half more agonizing hours we headed back to the hospital.
4:30 am: They finally decided I could stay since I had progressed to 5 cm. 5 cm equals you are allowed to get an epidural at the naval hospital so I immediately asked for it.
5:00 am: I am officially admitted to the hospital. The babies heart rate was great and wasn't fluctuating with labor at all which was perfect.
7:00 am: Ok fast forward like 2 hours 489 questions about my health, including but not limited to my knee surgery in high school, one puff of an inhaler I took when I was pregnant and a million other random useless (to me) questions they FINALLY gave me the epidural. I was so excited....until it didn't work. Really? The guy just got done giving me a 15 minute speech on how only "5 percent of them don't work." I was devastated and not to mention the pain was so intense. The back labor was giving me no relief and the contractions were back to back.
7:30 am: Mak looks absolutely terrified because I am screaming bloody murder and he cannot help me.  And the meds weren't either.
8:00 am: Finally, another hour later I get another epidural that works. At this point I am 7 cm, so I would like to say I ALMOST gave birth with no pain relief, and not by choice. Anyone who does the whole labor without drugs you are my hero. Seriously.
8:30 am: So now the doctors tell me I can rest, which in reality is impossible because with all the epidural in me I feel like a 900 lb hippo from my stomach down. You could have cut my legs off and I would have had no idea. I felt like I was going to break the table my legs felt so heavy.
10:00 am: I started feeling a little nauseous and they told me I could start pushing. Pushing was easy, because I didn't feel a thing. I didn't even know if I was pushing or not!
10:57 am:  About 30 minutes later, my beautiful little girl was born. She was 7lbs, 11 oz, 19 inches long with a full head of dark hair. Not to mention she was the most perfect thing I had ever seen.
11:00 am-now: We are both so happy and proud. Happy Birthday Avery!

Going Home Outfit. We brought her home on January 1st, 2012 :) 

Avery now at 3 weeks.



  1. Congrats again! :)
    I totally know what it's like when your epi doesn't work.... out of my 22 hour labor, I hardly got relief and had to push for almost 2 without it working. It was miserable! Hoping this time it will actually work correctly for me. :)

  2. Congrats! What a great birth story. My epidural also didn't fully work. Oh well, SO worth it! Avery is beautiful!
