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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dear Avery, Your First 4 Weeks at Home

Dear Avery,
Happy one month since you entered the world! This has been one crazy and eventful month. In the last four weeks you have already changed so much. After you were born, you got to spend a few weeks with your Daddy. He was here when we gave you your first bottle and first bath. He thinks you are so beautiful! He was a really big help with you those first few weeks. You loved snuggling with him on the couch. Then we had to say goodbye to him as he left for Africa for 6 and a half months. I was really sad but you helped make me feel better. He recorded us a really nice book and song so we can listen to his voice whenever we feel down.
You are a traveler! You have been to a few restaurants where you slept so nicely through meals that we had. We also traveled 14 hours in a car to NY to go stay with your grandparents while your Daddy is gone. And you did great. You slept most of the way!
You met your Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Kevin, Great Grandmother, Great Grandfather and Great Great Aunt Babe this month. They all think you are absolutely beautiful. 
You have been yawning a lot, and you do these really cute stretches that look like Superman flying. You went through some nights lately of being up screaming all night so I am hoping that was just a little phase. You are really strong and can hold your head up really well already. You also like to pull my hair when I am holding you. You even went on your playmat for the first time this month and enjoyed watching your toys, You are starting to fill out your newborn clothes really well. I also am beginning to see your first little smiles. So precious. I love you so much!
 Great Grandma Clara
 Saying goodbye to Daddy.
 Great Great Aunt Babe!


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