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Monday, February 27, 2012

Dear Avery, 2 Months

Dear Avery,
Wow, another 4 weeks have gone by since you entered the world. Sometimes I can't believe how big you are getting already. When I watch all of our friends hold you, you seem to have grown so much from the little 7 pound baby we brought home from the hospital.
You are finally starting to sleep through the night. I am so happy to be able to say that after what a tough time you had at first. I am so glad you are feeling better!
These last four weeks I have seen so many changes in you. You are really holding your head up now. You are looking all around and are content hanging out for longer periods of time. We take you out to restaurants and you have loved just sitting on our laps watching us. I can't believe how strong your legs are and you love standing upright on my lap. You don't mind when other people hold you which is nice.  Everyone who holds you says how strong you are!
My favorite thing I have noticed about you this month is when you wake up in the morning you are so happy. You smile so big and it is absolutely adorable. I wish your Daddy could see your big smiles, he would love it!
You are an amazing little baby and everyone here in Rochester adores you so much!
Love you,
