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Thursday, September 29, 2011

4D Ultrasound Experience & More

So last night was our 4D ultrasound at 6:00.  We decided to pay an outside place to get pictures done since we haven't received any good ones so far. Normally Tricare only gives you an anatomy ultrasound scan at 20 weeks and a scan at 36 weeks to check the position of the baby. We were hoping to see a little more so we decided to give the whole 3D/4D thing a shot. Hey, its our first baby right? The price included all the pictures on a flash drive and a DVD movie of the whole appointment. Tricare prime insurance does not cover this type of ultrasound.
A piece of our video can be found here: Baby Video

Well from 3 to 6 o clock I was supposed to drink 3 Liters of water. This doesn't seem too bad right? Wrong. There is something about knowing that you have to shovel down that much water that makes it extremely challenging.  (The three liters equates to about six water bottles for those of you like me who always forget measurements) The reason you have to drink the water is so that the pictures come out clear at the appointment. Well I drank that water and then some, but the baby is so low in my pelvis it was still challenging to get pictures. Good news:

1. We confirmed the baby is a girl 100%. I was convinced I would get there and they would find a penis. Not that that would be  the end of the world, but all my pink and planning would have been thrown out the window.

2. We got a few cute pictures regardless of the tight space the baby is in. She loved to keep her hand by her face and she has really chubby cheeks! She may even be sucking her thumb!

3. Baby is now the size of a head of cauliflower. She weighs about 2 pounds and is about 14-15 inches long. 
4. The baby is already head down! This is great news and I hope she stays this way until delivery.

5. Also wanted to share our super cute invites! I had them made online at and they came out really nice. Here is the front:
and the back:
My only wish is that all my out of town friends could be there! So even if you didn't actually "receive" an invite (because I know you aren't able to make it to Rochester for a three hour baby shower because ohh lets say you live in Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, Rhode Island, North Carolina, Florida, California or even HAWAII!) I love you all and think of you often! Its amazing all the friends you meet that end up all over in this crazy life with the military. Or just leave NY because its too cold & snowy. :)  I LOVE YOU GUYS!

1 comment:

  1. :) She is beautiful! And we will all be at your shower in spirit!
