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Monday, December 12, 2011

Dear Married, Stay at Home Mother

Randomly surfing some blogs one day, I was reading this blog and came across this post.

“Dear married, stay-at-home-mother:

I see your husband beginning his paid day’s work at 7.30am. And this after already having dressed your toddler son and fed him breakfast so you can lay in bed for longer. he works hard, carefully and skillfully.
he speaks of you with pride and respect, always with a smile. he counts down the hours until 5pm. At lunch time he heats his lunch he prepared himself the night before because “you have enough to take care of”. Don’t resent him for his apparent “freedom”. He doesn’t really want to be here all day, his heart is with you, and with his children. He texts during his breaks to see how your day is going. Please don’t be harsh or curt with him when he comes home, he hasn’t been skiving off all day leaving you with all the work. He has worked long hours today – so your children can grow up with their own mother as their caregiver. I know you have worked hard all day today too (oh, i know it!) but don’t for a moment think your husband has worked any less. he is tired too. and you aren’t the only one who can have a rough day. So greet him with a smile and a “thank you” when he comes home tonight. Then offer to make his lunch for him. Or dress and feed your toddler son on Saturday so he can get one sleep-in.

and remember, you had your husband before you had your children.

this stay at home mother who is deeply grateful for the revelation (reminder) that observing the working day of a faithful, hard-working husband has brought me.”

I know I am guilty of not always answering the door with a huge smile on my face at night, and showing my appreciation for how hard Mak works. (For him the hours are more like 5 am until 7 pm.)
I hope I can internalize some of this & I think this is adorable.
That is all. 

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